Your Painting Contact

Your Painting Contact

Contact Us For All Your Painting Needs

  • Painting Contractor USA
  • 1.800.354.9165 .... Phone .... Toll Free
  • 1.866.400.1613 .... Fax .... Toll Free
  • Corporate E-mail ....
  • Our office hours are Monday thru Friday - 8:00 am to 5:00 pm - EST
  • 6435 W. Jefferson Blvd. #183 .... Fort Wayne, IN 46804 .... 260-445-4218
  • 12472 Lake Underhill Rd. #480 .... Orlando, FL 32828 .... 407-595-5115

Contact The Appropriate Department

  • Corporate office inquires complete the following form.

Contact Our Corporate Offices

We welcome your comments and encourage your questions about our company. All inquires are handled promptly.

Email Address:
Phone Number:
Zip Code:
How did you hear about us?:
(Name of referral, search engine,
web site, etc.)
Comments or Questions

The protection of your privacy is important to us at Painting Contractor USA. Rest assured that the personal information you provide us with will not be disclosed to other parties and will be used solely for the purpose of bringing you the best service possible.

Thank you for filling out this form. We are Your Painting Contact.

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